Chair; William J. Beal Distinguished Professor
Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
Michigan State University
434 Farm Lane, Rm 235
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
517/355-2400 (phone); 517/353-5250 (fax)
Biography statement:
My research interests include computer/technological literacies; digital-visual rhetorics; social and cultural entrepreneurship; innovation and creativity; and intellectual property issues in digital space. My work has most recently appeared in College English; Computers and Composition; Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy; and Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture.
I co-edited (with Heidi McKee) Digital Writing Research: Technologies, Methodologies, and Ethical Issues (2007, Hampton Press), which won the 2007 Computers and Composition Distinguished Book Award. I also co-edited (with Heidi McKee and Dickie Selfe) Technological Ecologies and Sustainability, the first title to be published by Computers and Composition Digital Press, the first digital press in the U.S. with a university press imprint. The book is available at: http://ccdigitalpress.org/tes/.
In November 2010, I published--with Elyse Eidman-Aadahl and Troy Hicks--a National Writing Project book, titled Because Digital Writing Matters (Jossey-Bass). In 2012, I published Understanding and Creating Multimodal Projects (Bedford/St. Martin's). Digital Writing Assessment and Evaluation (with Heidi McKee) was published by the Computers and Composition Digital Press in 2013 and is available at http://ccdigitalpress.org/dwae/. Most recently, I published (with Martine Courant Rife) Cultures of Copyright (2014, Peter Lang).
Jim Purdy and I published Making Space: Writing Instruction, Infrastructure, and Multiliteracies, with the University of Michigan Press/Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative in 2017. In 2018, C.S. Wyatt and I published Type Matters: The Rhetoricity of Letterforms (Parlor Press). John Gallagher and I, in 2019, published Explanation Points: Publishing in Rhetoric and Composition (Utah State University Press).
last updated: October 2022