Teaching Philosophy
My interest in digital writing research is a strong accelerator in my teaching. I believe that it is absolutely necessary to encourage students to be thoughtful, critical, and reflective technology users and developers; to explore different technologies so that they may choose the best technology to facilitate their writing and the rhetorical situation to which they are responding; to practice writing (through and with text, graphics, sound, still, and moving images), revising, and editing to improve their skills as writers; and to understand that writing and technology are complex, socially situated, and political tools through which we act and with which we make meaning. I believe our technology values and practices must be anchored by critical, rhetorical questions developed and answered through rigorous research.
Professional Writing Undergraduate Program Courses at Michigan State University
WRA 202: Introduction to Professional Writing
WRA 210: Introduction to Web Authoring
WRA 308: Invention in Writing—Creativity, Innovation, and Communication
WRA 330: Research in Communities and Cultures
WRA 331: Writing in the Public Interest/Nonprofit Communications
WRA 360: Designing Print and Digital Documents >
WRA 415: Digital Rhetoric
WRA 455: Portfolio Seminar
WRA 493D/E: Internship in Professional Writing
Rhetoric and Writing Graduate Courses at Michigan State University
WRA 810: Writing Composing Designing Making > wra_810_fs21.pdf
AL 860: Visual Rhetoric Theory and Document Design
AL 881: Teaching with Technology
AL 885: Research Colloquium > wra_885_fs19.pdf
College of Arts and Letters Courses at Michigan State University
UGS 101: Networking and Netwriting
AL 285: Introduction to Digital Humanities
AL 491: Art, Culture, and NYC
WRA 491: WriteNYC
IAH 241e: Creativity > Social Entrepreneurship > iah241e_us20.pdf
University Courses at Michigan State University
CAS/AL 114: Creativity and Entrepreneurship > cas_al_114_ss21.pdf
Beyond Michigan State University
ENGL 688: Multimodal Composing (graduate seminar) > eng_688_fs15.pdf
University of Louisville (Fall 2015)
Thomas R. Watson Seminar
PWRT1-GC1020: Document Design and Media Presentation (online graduate seminar)
NYU, New York, NY (Spring 2014)
core requirement for Masters of Science in Professional Writing